Thursday, April 21, 2011

Talk Talk

It seems that all we do is talk in SL :D  That's ok, though.  When friends are separated by miles and time zones, SL is a nice way for us to have deep conversations without usage charges :D  Yeah, yeah, I know Skype works too, but the SL environments look better than my office LOL.

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Khloie and I discussing the state of our respective real lives and the weaponization of my Marshmallow Stick of Doom.
Fear the Marshmallows
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Akasha (in the back) and I having an afternoon chat about some of the weirdness within SL and the scary people who perpetuate it.
Tiki Talk
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Khloie, me, and Akasha (and Uriel in the lower left corner of the frame next to the vase) during a late night philosophy session.
Girl Talk
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