Saturday, April 23, 2011


After giving up out of sheer frustration with being unable to figure out how to import my blog posts from Clothes Whore SL to here, I've finally added them to the "Fashion" tab by links.  \o/  Whatever.  LOL. 

Clothes Whore SL.  Go there.  Me, Khloie, and Abby.  Awesomeness.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Ah, the elephant.  Sacred to many, the elephant is symbolic of wisdom, patience, perseverance, strength, power, gentleness, and divinity.  Akasha was wise in acquiring this beautiful elephant who adorned her old parcel in Lomas - he reminds me of the gentility and strength in wisdom that issues from the Divine. 

The Gentle Giant

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Sprucing

So... it's Spring :D  Time to freshen up the look of the studio!

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I wasn't happy with the starkness of the seating/waiting area, so I put out another sofa and placed my new portfolio on the coffee table!  Love it - it holds up to 2,000 photos and you can flip through the pages easily.  It has some other super options too!

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I also added a screen to my little pink loft space to separate it out a bit more from the work area.  It helps when changing clothes as well!

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And...some fresh plant life for the patio table to complement the hanging lanterns.

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Talk Talk

It seems that all we do is talk in SL :D  That's ok, though.  When friends are separated by miles and time zones, SL is a nice way for us to have deep conversations without usage charges :D  Yeah, yeah, I know Skype works too, but the SL environments look better than my office LOL.

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Khloie and I discussing the state of our respective real lives and the weaponization of my Marshmallow Stick of Doom.
Fear the Marshmallows
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Akasha (in the back) and I having an afternoon chat about some of the weirdness within SL and the scary people who perpetuate it.
Tiki Talk
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Khloie, me, and Akasha (and Uriel in the lower left corner of the frame next to the vase) during a late night philosophy session.
Girl Talk
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